You want what’s best for your new baby when it comes to indoor air quality, and don’t forget—you deserve to breathe easier, too! When you’re in nesting mode getting the nursery ready for your new little one, don’t forget to do a few air-friendly tasks that benefit you, too.
It might seem obvious, but once you’ve got an infant at home, your HVAC system will be the last thing on your mind! Consider upgrading to a Filtrete™ Smart Air Filter—it uses Bluetooth® to connect to the Filtrete™ Smart App, where you can monitor the life of your filter in real time without having to do a full HVAC checkup. If it’s not quite time to replace your filter, you can still use the app to order a replacement filter, so a new one will be ready as soon as you need it.
Just like you outfit the nursery for cleaner air, you can do the same in your own bedroom. Giving the space a thorough dusting, vacuuming and cleaning your window screens can all make a difference in your indoor air quality. You can keep things even simpler by getting an air purifier for your bedroom. Filtrete™ Smart Air Purifiers come equipped with a True HEPA filter that captures up to 99.97% of airborne particles*, plus an air quality monitor equipped with a light that changes colors to help you monitor your indoor air quality. The air purifier connects with the Filtrete™ Smart App, so when you check a smart-enabled baby monitor or flip on that sound machine, you can check up on your air quality, too.
A new baby is a big change for your resident furry friends. The new routine can cause them stress, which can lead to increased shedding—aka, more pet dander polluting your indoor air.¹ Help prepare them for your new home lifestyle and introduce them to baby equipment ahead of time, so they’re not overly curious when you finally need to use it. Make sure they know basic commands like “sit,” “stay” and “drop it.” Finally, training pets to stay off the furniture may help keep babies safer, but it can also help keep pet dander at bay.
This goes for any system in your home that requires an inspection by a professional: Try to get anything that needs servicing completed before baby comes home. It’ll save you stress later when you’ve got more important things to focus on. If your heating and cooling system hasn’t been inspected in a while, consider having a professional take a look to let you know if there’s any damage or potential issues to watch for. Hopefully, it’ll prevent any need for major repairs in your home during those busy first few months.
*As small as 0.3 microns from the air passing through the filter media. Initial efficiency value.
1. “Signs Your Dog Is Stressed and How To Relieve It,” VCA Animal Hospitals. 2022.