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  4. How to Make a DIY Moving Survival Kit
  • How to Make a DIY Moving Survival Kit

    Make moving day less stressful. Keep these seven staples on hand and ready to use as soon as you step through the door of your new home.

    Things to keep close by on moving day to help you tackle all your cleaning and air quality to-dos as soon as you arrive at your new home. Purchase items like a new HVAC filter, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, hand soap and pet supplies.

    • Settling into a new home can be exhausting, especially if you’re doing a DIY move. Luckily, there are steps you can take to make moving day a little less chaotic and a lot less stressful. Assemble a DIY moving survival kit with these items and plan to keep it with you during your move—future you will thank you for it.

      1. Shower caddy:

      Grab this dorm room staple from storage and use it to carry moving day essential products and tools you need for building furniture, cleaning surfaces, hanging art, etc.

      2. Cleaning products:

      When you move into a new home, it’s never a bad idea to give it a good scrub. Think disinfectant, tile cleaner, dusting polish, microfiber cloths and vacuum attachments.

      3. Tools:

      There’s nothing more frustrating than losing the tools you need to put your furniture back together. Keep all the small pieces you removed from furniture in your DIY moving survival kit, as well as the hex keys and screwdrivers you might need to reassemble things.

      4. Toilet paper and hand soap:

      As soon as you get your keys, put any essentials in the bathroom and kitchen so you don’t have to run to the store in the middle of unpacking.

      5. Pet supplies:

      Your pet gets just as stressed out on moving day as you do! Keep treats, a brush and toys in your DIY moving survival kit to keep your furry friend happy on the journey over, and set up their food, water and bed in a secluded spot as soon as you arrive.

      6. Chargers:

      You can’t order moving day pizza if your phone is dead! Keep any electronics chargers you need in your DIY moving survival kit so you have them handy for whoever needs them.

      7. HVAC filter:

      Chances are the former owners of your new home didn’t think to replace the HVAC filter. Ask your landlord or realtor to find out the dimensions of the home’s HVAC filter slot ahead of time, so you can be prepared with a fresh one. Filtrete™ Smart Air Filters are a great option when you’ve just moved in. Once you pair it to the Filtrete™ Smart App, the app can notify you when it’s actually time to replace it.

      Pro tip: If you’re moving into an apartment or you don’t have an HVAC system in your new home, an air purifier can help you clean your air in individual rooms. Filtrete™ Smart Air Purifiers also connect to the Filtrete™ Smart App, so you can control your device from anywhere.

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