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  4. Cold and Flu Season Strategies to Stay One Step Ahead
  • Cold and Flu Season Strategies to Stay One Step Ahead

    Preventative tips to help keep sneezes and coughs under control.

    FWashing your hands is key to keeping germs at bay, especially during cold and flu season.

    • Use these quick preventative measures for a healthier home this cold and flu season.

      Lather up.

      Washing your hands is key to keeping germs at bay, especially during cold and flu season. Whether you’re preparing or eating food, caring for someone who is sick or simply taking out the garbage, the CDC recommends lathering up often for at least 20 seconds each time*.

      Dry your linens.

      Hot water may not do the trick when it comes to killing organisms that can cause colds and flus. The real power comes from your dryer. Set it to high heat for at least 28 minutes for optimum effectiveness

      Wipe down surfaces.

      While disinfecting countertops is probably part of your weekly cleaning routine already, don’t miss frequently used surfaces such as remote controls, tablets and computer keyboards. The Environmental Protection Agency (PDF, 58 KB) publishes a list of disinfectants that claim to kill influenza A germs.


      * Centers for Disease Control and Prevention