Good news, pet lovers: Filtrete™ Filters do a fantastic job of capturing pet dander, making it easy for you to focus on the many positives of pet ownership. Here are some great ones:
People who own pets are less likely to suffer from stress, anxiety and depression than those who don’t, says the U.S. Public Health Service*. Studies show that snuggling your sweet fuzzy bundle boosts levels of oxytocin, aka the cuddle chemical, which lowers stress and anxiety and boosts your mood.
People who take their dogs for regular walks are much more likely to get their recommended daily activity and less likely to be obese than those who don’t, according to the National Institutes of Health**.
The American Heart Association confirms it: Owning pets may well reduce your risk of heart disease***. Plenty of studies show they help lower blood pressure as well as cholesterol and triglyceride levels, too. (Extra exercise and lowered stress levels certainly don’t hurt either.)
Pets create opportunities for connection in all kinds of places, such as at the dog park, on a walk, at the pet store, at community pet-centric events, searching for a pet-sitter, on social media groups and more. They’re living, breathing talking points—What’s her breed? How old is she? Where did you get her?—that can open the door to day-brightening chit-chat and long-term friendships, too.
*U.S. Public Health Service:
**National Institutes of Health:
***American Heart Association: