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  4. Easy Ways to Make Your Home Smell Awesome
  • Easy Ways to Make Your Home Smell Awesome

    Try out these tips to discover your perfect happy-home scent.

    Kitchen Sink

    A pleasant smell has the power to reinvigorate, de-stress, evoke memories and much more. Plus, it just makes your home feel clean and inviting. Here are some super-simple ways to customize your cozy-home scent.

    • Garden Fresh

      Put a small pot of water on the stove, toss in whatever fresh or dried herbs, spices or sliced citrus you have handy, and gently simmer. Mint and lemon, for example, is a great combo to perk up a summer day. A small, uncovered slow cooker works well, too.

    • Bright Idea

      Put a drop of vanilla extract on your light bulbs. Then when you turn them on, the bulb heats up, making your home smell like fresh-baked treats. Same idea, different method: Put a couple teaspoons of vanilla in a mug and bake at 300 degrees for an hour. Of course, baking actual cookies would be a more delicious way to do the trick!

    • DIY Air Spray

      Make your own room spray with essential oils. Add about 20 drops of your favorite scent or scents to an eight-ounce spray bottle. (Adjust number of drops for desired strength.) Try mixing lavender with chamomile or wild orange with peppermint. Search online to get ideas for other good combinations. The options are endless! Stir some into a canister of baking soda for a DIY carpet deodorizer that boosts your chosen aroma.

    • Go (Whole) Home

      Filtrete™ Whole House Air Freshener does just what the name says—freshen the air in your entire home by releasing scented air to multiple rooms through the home’s air vents. You just peel and stick one to your air filter, and it lasts for up to a month. There are five different scents, including linen, the smell of clean clothes dried on a line in the sunshine.

    • The Essentials

      Invest in a cool-mist essential oil diffuser. Load it with a little water and a few drops of oil, which the diffuser gently disperses throughout your living space. Choose scents based on smell alone or for a desired aromatherapeutic effect, for example, lavender for calming or eucalyptus for seasonal allergies. Cost can vary from $20 to more than $100, depending on run time, coverage area and extras.

    • Daily Grind

      Make sure the garbage disposal doesn’t create an odor problem. Sprinkle chunks of orange or other citrus peel into a muffin tin and cover in vinegar. Freeze, then transfer rounds into a zip-top bag. Pop one out and run it through the disposal whenever it starts to smell funky.